Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Join the forum, it's quick and easy

Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Fate lies in your paws..

Submit Your Character

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Join Here

BEFORE ENTERING, READ ALL THE RULES. After reading the rules, come here and fill out the join form with your character's stats in a new topic and wait for it to be approved by Cascade before you post anywhere else.

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Approved Characters

Once your character has been approved by Cascade, it will be moved here.


Getting started..

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!Read before doing anything else! This also holds a list of the staff.

11Site Rules.
Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:17 pm
Shadow View latest post
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How do I RP a cougar?

This shows you all the basics on RPing a cougar and lots more, it's quite simple.

11How to RP a coug...
Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:28 am
Shadow View latest post
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Have a question? Are you confused or feel lost? Well, here is the place you are looking for, just ask here and someone will answer your question.

33Avalible Posisti...
Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:03 am
Shadow View latest post
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New Member Introduction

If you are a new member, or not known that well on this site, post your stuff about you here so everyone can know who you are.

11Shadow. (:
Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:49 pm
Shadow View latest post
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This is where Cascade posts sitely news, this is updated lots, be sure to check in regularly.

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Member News (For Regular Users)

This is where normal users can announce news such as Vacations and such, etc.

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Have a suggestion to improve the forum? Tell meh here. :3

Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:27 pm
Shadow View latest post
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Tell us what you like about the site, or what you do not like here.

11Feedback. ...
Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:28 pm
Shadow View latest post
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Tribes Members Lists

List of all of the members from all of the tribes.

22The Tribe Of The...
Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:15 pm
Shadow View latest post

The Tribe Of The Falling Stars

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2396The camp clearin...
Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:08 pm
Night View latest post
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1357The camp clearin...
Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:08 pm
Night View latest post
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139The Freshkill pi...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:07 pm
Night View latest post
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The HighRock

This is the Highrock, It is where The Tribe Of The Falling Stars leader makes announcements.

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The Nursery

This is the Nursery, where kitten's stay until they have reached the age of six seasons. Nursing && Pregnant Queen's also stay here.

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The To Be Den

This is the to be den, where to be's stay until the leader decides the to be is worthy of his/her warrior name, they will then be moved to the warrior den.

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The Warrior Den

This is the warrior den, where adult cats stay until they are a certain age, they will then be moved to the Elders Den. Warriors hunt and defend there clan. Apprentices will be moved to this den when there leader believes they are worthy of there warrior name. The deputy also sleeps here. The organization is the deputy sleeps in the middle, the senior warriors sleep around the deputy, and the eldest warriors sleep around the senior warriors, along with the regular, new warriors sleeping on the edge's of the den.

263Cloud's Den, Ent...
Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:49 am
Cloud View latest post
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The Elder Den

Retired Healers, leaders, and more sleep here. Along with retired warriors, these members are fed before anyone else in the tribe. The organization is the the eldest warriors sleep in the middle and the regular elders sleep around them.

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The Healer & Healer To Be Den

The Healer(s) sleeps here, along with the healer to be. Drapes of sticky moss hangs over the den entrance, once you step in you are overwhelmed by many sweet and sometimes disgusting scents and smells.

139The Healer's Den...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:08 pm
Night View latest post
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The Leader Den

The leaders den is a warm, shady den, it is very spacious and well formed. This is Shadow's den.

141Shadow's den.
Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:10 pm
Night View latest post

The Tribe Of The Falling Stars Hunting Territories

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The Tall Grass Lands

The tall grass lands is a excellent place for prey such as deer, rabbits, and bison etc. It is a long stretch of very tall grass.

1118Tall Grass Lands...
Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:38 pm
Night View latest post
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The Valley

A gorgeous valley lays peacefully in a sort of curve of the mountain. It is a wide open plain, the sun shoots down directly on this area. Many sweet smelling flowers smother this meadow. It is a great hunting spot. The main prey is deer, elk, sometimes moose, and the occasional bison/buffalo. Also some wild horses. There is also rabbits for appetizers. It is VERY spacious, nice to relax and drift away.

2132Cloud And Ashis...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:05 am
Shadow View latest post
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The Cave

This is a dark, damp cave. Snakes slither among the floors, some fast cats are able to kill them, other's get bitten and die. This place is an amazing place to hunt mice, be careful though, there is also the odd rat. It is reccomeneded that even warriors come here in pairs, To Bes should come here in groups of three or so. A light fog hovers with in the cave, the faint sound of mice scurrying and dripping from the caves sealing can be heard commonly. It is so dark in here that you can't even see your paw infront of your face. This is one of The Tribe Of The Falling Stars's darkest territores. Sometimes in the cave, you can find gems, commonly crystal and amethyst, topaz and ruby are rare here, sapphire is slightly more common. It takes a skilled hunter to catch even a mouse in here.

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The Secret Cove

This is the secret cove. Hidden in the depth of The Tribe Of The Falling Stars's territory, lies a hot spring, fed by an underground stream. When it's freezing in leafbare or just to relax, The Tribe Of The Falling Stars cats flock here. They ease themselves into the steaming water and lie on underwater ledges protruding from the side of the rock. The clearing around the hot spring also brings good prey for the warmth. This place was found by Shadowm and claimed as The Tribe Of The Falling Stars territory. Beautiful flora surrounds this clearing. Most of the flora surrounding the secret cove are medicine cat's herbs, The Tribe Of The Falling Stars's healer's collect useful herbs here.

245Thinking place...
Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:09 pm
Night View latest post
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The Pine Forest

A lush, gorgeous pine forest smothered with many sweet-smelling pine tree's. This place is one of the best hunting spots, there is many deer here and the odd moose. Lots of birds, mice, and rabbits, but cougars usually only go for the deer.

127The pine forest....
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:07 am
Shadow View latest post
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The Stream

This is a fairly large, spring water stream that flows from the mountains. It has ice cold water, sometimes in late fall a very thin, fragile sheet of ice grows over the stream and stops it's flow, in all winter it is completely frozen and unbreakable, aswell as in late spring it is breakable. It has the brest drinking water by far and dosen't have many fish due to the icy cold water.

293Flash and Cloude...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:07 am
Shadow View latest post
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The Sun Boulders

These boulders are part of the mountain, the mountains suffer heat drops and heat rises, this is where mainly the sun shoots down on, making this place steaming warm, it is a nice place to relax and sometimes you will see the odd deer in the bushes that surround it. These bulky rocks are in a small, rough and sandy like clearing, only enough room for the rocks.

12The Sun Boulders...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:08 am
Shadow View latest post
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The Borders

All Tribe Of The Falling Stars cats come here to patrol, and mark borders.

2108Border Between L...
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:08 am
Shadow View latest post

Other Territories

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The MossHill

This where gatherings are held. All of the tribes meet up here once every season and discuss clan news, death of cats, how the prey is running and more. It is a large, mossy hill, fairly high up. The leaders one by one get up on the hill and announce news as the chosen warriors, and to-bes gather around the hill at the bottom. You are only allowed to have 10 warriors or apprentices at The Gathering, and you must announce who is coming at your tribes Highrock if you are a leader.

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The Tribe Of Endless Hunting

Only the Tribe Of Endless Hunting is allowed to post here. This is practically the sky, the spirits and past ancestors roam the stars, watching down on there former mates, family and friends.

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The MoonFlower

The MoonFlower is a gorgeous flower that is the only flower on the mountain. It is on a ledge below the top. The leaders come here to gain there nine lives, the bow down to the flower and there ancestors will come and give them there nine lives, each one will feel more painful and make you weak, but then when you get to your paws, you feel more powerful and strong in a diffrent way. Healers also come here to recieve prophecies. They bow there head down and fall on to the ledge and have a light sleep, members of The Tribe Of Endless Hunting will come to her/him in her/his dream and give them the prophecy. If the flower is ripped out by the root it will immediatley grow back with in a second. If a petal falls off another one will be replaced with in a second or two. This flower is special, the spirits of The Tribe Of Endless Hunting loom around this specific flower. It is called the MoonFlower because the moon shines directly down on this flower like a beam/bright spotlight, making it shimmer, fireflies swarm around this flower aswell for no apparent reason. Medicine Cats && Leaders ONLY.

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The Misty Forest

Loner territory. This forest is a AMAZING hunting area. There is a varietie of rabbits, birds, voles, deer, elk, moose, and lots more.

114The Hunt-------...
Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:06 pm
Dream View latest post
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The Large River

More loner territory. This is a nice, massive river that flows into rogue territory. Many fish are in this river, such as pike, trout, and blue gill. Also, the small clearing around it is a hotspot for deer.

13Down By the Rive...
Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:48 pm
-Vixen- View latest post

The Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle

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This is Camp, It is also known as the Entrance to The Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle territory.

330The Clearing
Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:24 am
Rain View latest post
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Camp Clearing

This is the Clearing, it is a nice place to relax, meet new friends, and chat with cats with-in the tribe.

128The Clearing
Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:24 am
Rain View latest post
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The Fresh-Kill Pile

This is the fresh kill pile, it is where you drop off your prey after hunting.

11Fresh Kill Stump...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:23 am
NightShade View latest post
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The HighRock

This is the Highrock, It is where The Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle leader makes announcements.

Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:13 am
NightShade View latest post
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The Nursery

This is the Nursery, where kitten's stay until they have reached the age of six seasons. Nursing && Pregnant Queen's also stay here.

17The Nursery
Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:43 am
NightShade View latest post
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To Be Den

This is the to be den, where to be's stay until the leader decides the to be is worthy of his/her warrior name, they will then be moved to the warrior den.

11Apprentice Den...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:19 am
NightShade View latest post
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The Warrior Den

This is the warrior den, where adult cats stay until they are a certain age, they will then be moved to the Elders Den. Warriors hunt and defend there clan. Apprentices will be moved to this den when there leader believes they are worthy of there warrior name. The deputy also sleeps here. The organization is the deputy sleeps in the middle, the senior warriors sleep around the deputy, and the eldest warriors sleep around the senior warriors, along with the regular, new warriors sleeping on the edge's of the den.

23Storm's nest.
Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:48 am
AshIsh View latest post
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The Elder Den

Retired Healers, leaders, and more sleep here. Along with retired warriors, these members are fed before anyone else in the tribe. The organization is the the eldest warriors sleep in the middle and the regular elders sleep around them.

11Elders Den
Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:36 am
NightShade View latest post
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The Healer && Healer To Be Den

The Healer(s) sleeps here, along with the healer to be. Drapes of sticky moss hangs over the den entrance, once you step in you are overwhelmed by many sweet and sometimes disgusting scents and smells.

22Herb List.
Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:02 pm
Amber View latest post
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The Leader Den

The leaders den is a warm, shady den, it is very spacious and well formed. This is Nightshade's den.

11Nightshades Den...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:42 am
NightShade View latest post

The Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle Hunting Territories

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The Glacier

The Glacier is a large sloping rock diagonally that in the winter and spring has ice covering it aswell as on the water. In the sometimes late spring and summer it is like a lake, to The Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle. Nice for catching the odd fish and just relaxing and gazing out at the horizon.

11Glacial Lake
Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:25 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Brooke

The Brooke is like a stream, but slightly smaller. It is fed by water streaming flatly down some slate rocks. This water is crystal clear, the clearing that surrounds it is sometimes a nice place for deer, at other times there is many birds, rabbits and gorgeous scenery.

12~The Brook~
Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:43 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Swamp

It is a fact that most cougars like to hang out around the swamp. This swamp is squishy and is a horrible hunting spot, there's only a few nice birds in the tree's that drape over the marsh. It is great for training tobe's though, such as how to battle on swampy, mucky territories like this. You may get the feeling that you are sinking but it is a very thick marsh, the water below creates that illusion. There is many frogs, toads, and a few crickets here. Reeds and cattails sway carelessly in the breeze here. It is a nice place to relax if you can find a small spot where it's not so gross and mucky.

11~The Swamp~
Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:16 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Pine Forest

A lush, gorgeous pine forest smothered with many sweet-smelling pine tree's. This place is one of the best hunting spots, there is many deer here and the odd moose. Lots of birds, mice, and rabbits, but cougars usually only go for the deer.

11Pine Forest
Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:29 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The BlueBerry Bush

This is a bush of lush blue berries. These berries are safe to eat, they are best tasting in mid-summer. This bush is easy to find and a great place for a quick snack, there are also bushes around this large blueberry bush that healer's cherish because some of them have herbs that are needed greatly.

12The Blueberry Bu...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:47 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Meadow

This is a gorgeous meadow sloping down from the mountains, it has many flora. It is an amazing hunting spot as it is a hotspot for deer, bison, and rabbits. It is a nice place to relax aswell.

11The Meadow
Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:57 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Mountain Side

The mountain side provides a look-out at all the mountains infront of the tribe. It is beautiful place to be. For prey, you get the occasional mountain goat.

11Mountain Side ...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:09 pm
NightShade View latest post
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The Borders

All Tribe Of The Soaring Eagle cats come here to patrol, and mark borders.

317Soaring Eagle/Lo...
Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:38 pm
Rain View latest post


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Post ANYTHING here, even just pure random stuff. You can post videos, adverts (advertisements, a link to your sites, pictures, art, gifs, music, movie clips. ANYTHING! Just, please, keep it PG-13. Also. NO DOUBLE-POSTING THE SAME ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE.

29143My other forum, ...
Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:38 pm
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RPers Needed!

Post here if you are looking for a RPer for your kittens, or you are giving a character away. Please have your kittens make somewhat genetic sense.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:42 am
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Anything About Love

Post here if you are searching for a mate, show your crushes, ask someone to be your mate, make up forbidden love plots, etc.

18201Rain Is Mateless...
Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:39 pm
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Battle Techniques/Moves

Are you stuck in the middle of a battle and you can't think of any moves to use? Well then, this is the place for you!

13Battle/Fighting ...
Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:56 pm
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The Staff Chat. (Assistant Moderators! Come On In And Chat!)

This is just a fun chat for all of the staff. This is one of the fun things about being an Assistant Moderator! :D

410ALL Staff chat....
Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:17 am
Rain View latest post

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