Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Join the forum, it's quick and easy

Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Pounding Paws Cougar RP

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Fate lies in your paws..

    Shadow. (:


    Posts : 363
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2011-09-21
    Age : 29
    Location : Tribe Of The Falling Stars

    Shadow. (: Empty Shadow. (:

    Post by Shadow Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:49 pm

    Hello, I am Shadow, Administrator && Creator of PoundingPaws.

    My characters stats:

    Name: Shadow.
    Age (In Moons Please): 13 Seasons.
    Sex: Male.
    Description: Wide, mystical golden-rimmed eyes along with a regular, tan cougar pelt. He is a hefty, well-structured, and muscular tom.
    Mate & Kits?: None.
    Rank: Leader.
    Tribe: The Tribe Of Falling Stars.
    Other/Extra/Special: None.

    (This is kind of an example for the New Member Introduction.)

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:57 am