Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Join the forum, it's quick and easy

Pounding Paws Cougar RP

Hi there. Wink

I am Shadow, Administrator. Razz
Before you do anything, please read the forum rules located under the Welcome category. Then, you may register by clicking "Register" below.
If you have any trouble or questions whatsoever, PM myself and I will gladly assist you.

Don't know how to RP an Cougar? Just take a look at the How to roleplay (RP) a Cougar subject, it tell's you everything about how to roleplay a cougar and more. Very Happy

If you do not want to make your own character, just go to the RPers Needed! located under Getting Started. That subject is open to guests.

Hope to see you around! Very Happy

~ Thank you.

- Shadow, Administrator. -

Pounding Paws Cougar RP

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Fate lies in your paws..

    Site Rules.


    Posts : 363
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2011-09-21
    Age : 29
    Location : Tribe Of The Falling Stars

    Site Rules. Empty Site Rules.

    Post by Shadow Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:17 pm

    USERS: It is encouraged that if you see someone breaking the rules, report it to Shadow, Cloud, Or Lilac immediatley.

    Here are the rules:

    • Your only allowed 4 accounts on this forum.
    • No swearing (Darn, crap, dang etc. is accepted, just don't abuse it, you may also abbreviate swears like: WTF, FTW, or GTF, The word 'Piss' and 'Pissed' are the only swear along with 'hell' allowed.)
    • No killing other people's characters without there permission.
    • Keep ALL content you post on this site PG-13.
    • Please, NO chatting about politics and or religion and such, it just causes un-needed arguements.
    • When you are in a battle, please only do a few battle moves a post so the other person will be able to respond.
    • If you are expecting kittens, to be realistic, please wait about 3-4 days until your character gives birth.
    • If you are RPing someone's kitten on this forum (meaning the mother and or father are on this forum and they are kitting) you do not have to fill out the join form again.
    • No spamming, no spamming anywhere whatsoever, no spamming the forum or the chatbox etc. and anywhere else here.
    • ONLY Chat about stuff other than Cougars And Cougar Roleplay in the chat box or over pm, please.
    • No arguing with and or irritating the staff (this goes for everyone aswell, including Assistant Moderators.)
    • You may only RP two cougars on one account.
    • No godmodding, meaning controlling someone's character, Godmodding is only allowed in ceremonies and such.
    • You are allowed to 'mate' on the forums. Please ONLY put *Mates with you* graphic mating is only allowed privatley over PM, If you choose PM do NOT show it to ANYONE, Please and thank you.
    The best way is to say that she is just pregnant, with no 'mating' whatsoever.
    • Unrealistic RP in the forums is allowed, but please post RP along with it, not just talking about random stuff in one of the RP categorys.
    EG: IC: *Smiles warmly* Hello. *Flicks tail*
    Then at the bottom or the top just put ooc:
    EG: ooc: Did you hear about that new movie coming out?
    (YOU ARE ALLOWED TO POST ADVERTS IN THE CHAT BOX ONLY IF SHADOW GRANTS YOU PERMISSION) Adverts are strictly NOT allowed. You are allowed to post links to videos, pictures etc. just not to a site, ecspecially if it's your site, that is considered advertising. If you post one in the chat box you will receive a warning, you may only post them in the "Anything!" subject in the "Other" category. Review: You ARE allowed to post links to images, videos, etc. but no links to ANY other RP sites in the chatbox. NOTE: Everything you post in the chatbox or the Other MUST be PG-13, everything you post or do on this forum must be aswell.
    Also, there is a section in your profile you may edit, just put the link of your site there. :3
    • You are not allowed to have a highranked character on a double account, like if you RP a leader and a warrior on one account, that is not accepted.
    • Please, when you are leaving for a vacation, post it in member news (News, if you are a staff member) please include the duration of the trip, when you will be gone and when you will be back so Shadow doesen't deem you inactive and delete you from the members list.
    The rule is if you are gone for more than a week with no notice whatsoever, you will be deleted from the memers list.
    Also, if you are high ranked and gone for more than a week without notice, your highrank will be taken away and given to a more active user. Sorry, but I am not letting this forum go inactive.
    • Please do not give out any personal information meaning home adress, city, etc. or your password to anyone.
    • Your only allowed ONE high ranked character, you may only have one leader or deputy account, you can have as many warrior, to-be, kitten, healer to be, and elder account's as you would like, but only one high ranked character account. You may only have 2 healer account's.
    • No flaming, insulting, talking behind someone's back, bullying anyone of the users, that includes admins, mods, and Assistant Moderators.
    • No threatning any users.
    • Absouloutely NO oral advertising, or begging people to join your site, if one of the staff, or users catch you doing that they will report it to me and you will be issued a warning. Example: "Hey, You, Want to join my site? I'll PM you the link!" That is strictly NOT allowed anywhere on this forum whatsoever.
    NO copying ANYTHING, whatsoever, from this site. I mean anything. If I find your site and see you have copied something from mine, all your accounts will be temporairly banned from this site, I will send a report that could get your site deleted, if you refuse to delete the thing you copied from my site, your IP will be blocked from this site forever, sorry, but those ideas were hard to come up with.
    BUT if you ask politley I may let you use one of my ideas. Very Happy
    • No bugging and or begging people to join your tribe, they will choose which tribe they want to join themselves.

    Punishments for breaking the rules:

    - First Time - You will be issued a warning.
    - Second Time - You will be issued a warning and you will be banned from the chat box for a whole day.
    - Third Time - You will be issued a warning and you will be banned from the whole forum for a day, and you will be banned from the chat box for three days.
    Fourth time - All of your accounts get deleted.
    Fifth time - Your IP gets banned, meaning your whole computer, you are not able to acess the site on all of your accounts, or make a new account unless I choose unblock you from it.

    If you are having issues with a user, please report it to Shadow, Cloud, or Lilac ONLY over PM and they will deal with it
    If you are having issues with the forum, or something isn't working etc. report it to Shadow, Cloud, or Lilac over PM, or post a reply to the help topic explaining what is not working here:


    Also, If you want your account(s) deleted off the forum and you are completely sure you want it deleted tell Shadow or just change your user name to: PLEASE DELETE or something like that.

    ¢αℓℓιηg мє FAKE ωση’т мαкє уσυ REAL,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє DUMB ωση’т мαкє уσυ SMART,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє WEAK ωση’т мαкє уσυ STRONG,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє UGLY ωση’т мαкє уσυ PRETTY,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє MEAN ωση’т мαкє уσυ NICE,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє WEIRD ωση’т мαкє уσυ COOL,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє NERDY ωση’т мαкє уσυ POPULAR,
    ¢αℓℓιηg мє GAY ωση’т мαкє уσυ STRAIGHT,
    ѕσ ωну вσтнєя…………………… ………؟
    єνєяу ιηѕυℓт уσυ мαкє ιѕ σηℓу нυятιηg YOU

    Thank You For Reading.

    ©PoundingPaws owned and founded by Shadow. No distributing or calling your own, and may only be used at the permissions of Shadow.

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:52 am